
We did a lot of work today. Weeding, transplanting, planting, p digging out the septic…

I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers with potting soil. They did perk up a little after I added better soil and fertilizer, hopefully this gets them back on track.

Planted squashes everywhere (mainly in the slope and lower bed). Moved barbeque rosemary and globe artichokes. Fertilized many things, blueberries, onion beds, lower garlic bed, Rhodies and hydrangea.

Here’s some progress

And some Randy lizards


I FINALLY caught the little $#%s eating my pea starts. They dug a full trench across both sides.

P suggested trying to screen it in, so I cut and poked pieces through to hopefully give the new seeds a little protection.

Little %#^£!#%s griped at me the whole time.

I am not a fan.

Potting soil

I’m not happy with the way the tomato and pepper starts have done in the seed starter mix. Next year I should use potting soil only, or a mix. I repotted some today, and added potting soil to the rest.


Squash are going crazy, too early I worry.