Tomato and pepper time

I’ve been waiting to plant the tomatoes and peppers because the nights have still been cool- but today was the day. They were looking a little sad in the greenhouse because of humidity and heat.

South b- healthy, healthy, mystery (healthy or hot?), waltz (paprika), hot <those last two might be switched |:

South c- healthy

West e – two nova tomatoes

Scapes are coming!

Bees are happy

I weeded my butt off, and put together the new storage bench (and sealed it)

work it

planted a sungold (left) and nova (right) in south a. I feel like it’s a little early, so I’ll hold off a week before I plant the other two. The cages look so optimistically huge.

Replanted some peas.

Weeded and planted lupines, allysum, marigolds, and nasturtium willy nilly in lower bed.

Churned and planted grass seed and those flowers in the new dirt below the raspberries. Pulled out stones to help with erosion elsewhere.

Repotted a couple more tomatoes and peppers and moved them outside.

It’s spruce tip time so p came out and harvested them

I pulled out kale to thin west c, and almost bolted radishes.


After thwarting

The robins, I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers and moved most of them (and the okra) to the green house.

I planted a little bit of spinach in with the arygula

Seeded the new soil and part of the cur down blackberry

And basically moved furniture around and put things away. It’s not done, but it feels better, and took all damn day.

To spite the Robins

The screen worked to hold the robins off the peas, to an extent. I have a handful of peas and beans starting. Yesterday I found these handy baskets on clearance at Fred Meyer, so I’m trying them out.

There were some bugs hiding under the protection of the screen… So that’s not great.

I also replanted the beans and peas, and added fresh seeds next to my squash starts. (we put drippers out on Sunday.)

The soil looks summer dry. /:

Planting Dates

This looks like a handy planting calendar. (from

Washington Last & First Frost Dates
City Last Frost Date First Frost Date
Bellevue 4/6 10/26
Everett 2/25 11/27
Federal Way 4/4 11/5
Kent 3/10 11/16
Renton 4/6 10/26
Seattle 4/20 10/17
Spokane 5/13 10/5
Tacoma 4/21 10/19
Vancouver 4/24 10/13
Yakima 5/10 9/26