Updates Planting Plan

Hopefully I’ll have at least one extra bed next year, since we’re planning to tear out the two “Upper” beds. It would be nice to get down to an even 3 beds per type to make rotation easier… but the hummingbirds like the scarlet runners so!

Planting fall

Planted and harvested a bunch. Made pasta salad, roasted carrots, and carrot top pesto (garlic, lime juice, cilantro, garbanzo)

Planted more carrots. Btw the musico carrots were the clear winner this year. Purple snap did nothing (well, I got one.)

Planted fava, kale (micro kale hopefully works ok), chard in South C

Planted peas, and kale in West E (fava bed)

Planted arugula, spinach, mache in plant bags. Fertilized most of everything.

Canning day

This was ~6 wide mouth pint jars. It roughly filled a strainer before being trimmed down.

One of the jars of runner beans got double salt (whoops). It has some small yellow pieces on top to mark it.