Potatoes and more

Earlier this week I upplanted most of the seedlings- today I finished putting everything into the greenhouses.

I got more runner beans, and put them in the soil, along with some new Romano bush beans.

We got a bunch of yukon gold seed potatoes from ourneighbor, so those went into containers today as well.

Things are looking pretty good. We’ve had some rain and cool which the new plants have liked. The favas are up to the top on the gate now, and I think the carrots and beets are finally coming up.

Am. So. Tired.

Started the day by turning over South A and B for beans. Planted green and yellow beans in A, and realized I only had 3 saved runner beans for b (put yellow in there, too, and replanted the tiny onions and leeks out of curiosity. I also threw in some nasturtium and marigolds on the ends.

We put a gate in the squash box for the winters to run on.

P moved the box from upper c down to become a new bed for thornless blackberries (donated plant). He also planted elderberries (Upper is Nova and York below) up by the neighbor’s door and gooseberries down where upper c box used to live.

I planted some gifted flowers – bearded iris, crocosmia, and something in the lily family along the driveway, and rescued a little japanese maple for the back slope.

There is more to do but I’m shaky now. Will see if I get out of bed tomorrow. (;