New Plan


It seems so early, but I just pulled out the garlic and so it’s time to think about (MINIMAL) fall planting. I’m going to work in an arugula bed that will hopefully be perennial-like, and start some brussel sprouts, leeks, and onions- and start a cover on one bed because lets be honest- it will be time for a break (;

First real garden weekend

The weather was gorgeous this weekend, and we did a LOT of work. Two new raised beds (South D, West E). Put pavers down and dug out at the base of the rocks (Lower). We got a couple of orphan plants- 6 rhubarb starts (planted by huckleberry, upper bed C, and south Lower). New white rhododendron in the back north of the spruce, and a bonus sprout uphill from that. A couple of flowers- not sure their names /: One has pink carnation type flowers (planted in the pinks) and one has little blue-purple flowers like a viola (jumping some thing…) P filled beds and added soil amendment.

snap peas went in the ground at lower F. Territorial 2017 Sugar Magnolia on west, super snap on south.

Here’s the new rhody. The other one is a little tiny branch…