
I have been doing, and harvesting some things in the garden, but haven’t been good about documenting, partially because there weather is horrid, and partially because the world is worse.

We’re right smack dab in the middle of junuary (it’s 55 right now, and pouring) and there have been protests and police action for over a week, in addition to everything still being locked down for the pandemic.

So, it’s hard to get excited about some snap peas and garlic scapes.


Besides asparagus, the main thing we’ve been getting out of the garden is salad greens.

The corn salad and spinach are doing great, kale and chard are coming in, and I’ve been thinning out the onions and beet greens.

Yesterday i found a couple of tiny peas!

Made me so happy.

More planting

Put out tomato cages and planted some squash from seed between the starts, more okra seeds in the okra bed.

Planted the runner beans

Some borage below the plum tree (and a couple of alyssum seeds). And threw some lupine seeds under the purple rhododendron.

Picked picked another big batch of rhubarb for making wine. (“3 lbs 9.5oz”). He’s already made an upside down cake.

Things are looking good. It’s going to be 80+ today again so i watered everything.

And more asparagus

Planting day

I’m very happy with how my starts are looking.

Lots of planting today. The weekend is going to be in the 80’s, nights over 50. I hope I’m not jumping the gun!

Green and yellow beans planted.

Peppers (healthy, jalapeño 2, mini bell 2) and tomatillos 3

Tomatoes (nova 2, legend 1) and okra (clemson 3, jambalaya 3)

Added a sungold to the nova.

One of each pepper in a bag (healthy, waltz, jalapeño, mini bell, anaheim)

Squashes look oh-kay. I might add a seed to each for backup.

Progress from the last week

I’ve been doing some basic things in the yard. I moved one Nova and one tomatillo into season starters, they seem to be doing ok, so are the squash. I put another patty pan and delicata on the slope, but the season starters won’t work there so I made a cover from a basket and plastic and I open it when i open the greenhouse every day.

Updated Plan

I’ve changed up a few things on the plan, and added in the buckets and bags I have planned. I will probably put a few more planters out… cause I crazy!