There were just a couple of peas coming up under there- I’m pretty sure that a v/mole ate my seeds. I sprouted some in the greenhouse and transplanted them in the rebuilt/repaired bed.
Along with the ones I planted in the box, hopefully I’ll get some peas out of it.
I repotted most of the seedlings and moved them to the greenhouse (heater set to 52).
I think the pods>small pots was the way to go. Other than plant light misfire, the tomatoes got big and strong.
I potted one orange pepper plant and brought it inside.
I’m not really sure what to say about the garden this year. We’ve had a persistent doe that wanders and enjoys everything, even the plants she’s not supposed to like (tomatoes). Chemical means haven’t stopped her (she doesn’t mind Irish Spring or Deer Spray) and only fencing things in with more panels seems to have made any difference.
I’ve had a handful of cherry tomatoes- mostly from the bagged plant on the porch. The asparagus is still shooting up a spear or two a week, the peas have dried out, I’ve harvested garlic and onions to cure. The tomatillo plants are starting to make fruit, and there is some green fruit on the tomatoes, but they aren’t abundant. The new artichoke bloomed and we’ve got it on water. Carrots have been GREAT and beets have been okay.
The deer ate the growing tip off of each of the summer squash, so I’ve replanted some seeds to see if we still have some time left in the season. There appears to be some growth on the back of each plant, so maybe it will grow some blooms on that? I miss my zucchini overload.
The beans (especially green) seem to be recovering from the deer now and I’m getting an ok harvest. Hopefully we’ll have enough to pickle.
The peppers in the greenhouse are SO happy- although I pulled the plant out for the heat wave. They are setting fruit just fine into the 90s. The eggplant is doing well too- a few fruit are forming.
Inside- Little Lemon 2 has 4 fruit that are roughly 2” long as of today (Aug 14).
I’ll write another post about planning for next year- I think we’ll need to finally bite the bullet and build a fenced in area to keep the varmints out.Th
I’ve gotten some small harvests of peas, asparagus, beets, carrots, and squash. Still no tomatoes. Something is eating my beans and onions, so I’m going to put a Game camera out and see if I can catch it in the act and protect from it. Some garlic was ready to harvest today, most is still growing.
6/12/23. I’ve been having some site problem, so my last several posts are MIA- but the work I did still happened so that’s ok I guess.
We’ve finally had some warmer weather- although it was coolish and dry for a while. We’re still getting some asparagus spears, beans sprouts are coming up, peas are available, favas beans are forming, garlic is bolting, and so are the confused onions. I planted some flower starts from R, and keep reseeding things. Here are photos from the last few weeks.
I’m planning to leave the peppers in the greenhouse for a while to see if they are happier that way. I also put the “lemon” out there to see what the root stock turns into, and replaced it with a new lemon inside. P got me a little carnivorous plant (honeydew, drosera) for my gnat problem.
I planted tomatoes (in waterwalls), tomatillos, and put more bean and pea seeds out (stupid robins). I also put some sunflower seeds by the lower wall and P got me an artichoke! I did buy one graft San Marzano tomato that’s huge, a banana pepper, and some lithodora (that p planted on the slopes.)
I need to take better photos, but this was all I got cause I was so exhausted.
Uppotted tomatoes and tomatillos. Moved peppers outside. Put an orange pepper, all the okra, and a eggplant in planting bags. Refloored the greenhouse.
It’s been coolish, but Soil temps are over 60, and we have some warm weather coming up. Planted green beans, wax beans, and some marigolds in west e. I put seeds I saved from last year on the corner nearest the neighbors house to see if they grow as well as the purchased ones.
Planted runner beans and Romano beans and nasturtium in south d- where the broad bean favas failed to over winter. I guess I’ll try them again next year? The “cover crop” favas look great, so maybe I’ll have some small beans again. All new beans went under robin baskets.
Added a few more peas to the pea bed, and put kale seeds around the outside.
Transplanted the last couple of late planted peppers, and up potted two tomato sprouts and moved them to the greenhouse, where everything is looking good on a seed mat on the ground.