Garlic, rhubarb, and heat.

It’s been a nice cool summer somehow, and we’ve all been happy about it… But today that changes!

I pulled all the garlic to cure. There’s a bunch. The metechi in the south bed seemed a little stunted. I think in general the Deerfield purple gave larger heads.

We also stripped down all the rhubarb, and picked raspberries at a friend’s- for brewing experiments.

Things look good. Good eating. Yellow beans are yellowing, green beans are getting ready to bear, and scarlet runners have given a few. I’ve been pulling squashes while they are small. I’ve got a couple of beds languishing now- I wonder if there is anything I can plant…

I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to turnips as well as radishes. *sigh*

Weeding and some harvest

these photos are from a few days. We’ve eaten a bunch of kale, a few squash and artichoke, some peas. We will need to split daisies and probably the cat mint this year. It’s out of control. I put flash tape out to discourage the robins from stealing all the berries. ? hopefully it helps. Tomatoes are green, beans are flowering, peppers are starting… Okra is failing. It’s been kinda rainy and cool, which I’m actually kind of thankful for. Onions and garlic will probably need harvesting in the next couple of weeks.ys.

Rutabaga madness

I haven’t been able to spend much time in the garden because I have a knee that is misbehaving, but I took the kitties out today to see what we could see

Good haul of ginornous rutabegas. This is only a few

Runners have pretty flowers

Another handful of kale and a few squash

Some onions were bolting, so I pulled them.


I have to admire it from up here (due to a hyper-extended knee) but the garden is looking gorgeous today!

ROLE CALL: tomatoes (Roma and cherry 5), peppers (sweet and hot- 10), artichokes (2 varieties), blueberries (7), huckleberry, salal (many), arugula, green beans, runner beans, beets, carrots, okra (6), asparagus, strawberries (sooo many), kale (out my ears), squash (4 varieties), peas, GARLIC (2 beds), onions (ditto), wax beans, apple (1), plum (1), herbs and flowers. (:

P had to move some soil, so we planted some new White Carolina strawberries, and the last three peppers (paprika and hot).

The Corsican mint looks really happy by the house.

I broke down the aerogarden and planted the basil in a larger deeper pot for inside. The ones I pulled had fully filled the pot with root, and were trying to dig deeper.

Weeded. Watered the clover seeds.

Planted some tarragon


I haven’t done a good job writing about harvests, so I thought I’d do an update.

We have a TON of kale in west c. I’ve been thinning it and eating the babies, now we are up to mostly full grown plants. This is my best kale result ever. Is it the bed? Overseeding?

Radishes grew well, and we are bunches until my lips started to swell and crack. No radishes for Alison next year ): I’m scared to try the turnips.

We’ve eaten a few young red onions, and 4 garlic scapes!

We’ve had a bunch of arugula. It’s bolting now, but still tastes ok.

There’s lettuce in my plastic bowl for lettucing

Berries are on their way. Blueberries are forming, as are raspberries, and strawberries. There are blackberries and salal in flower stages, and even a few grapes.