Transplanting and planting

I put more corn salad and spinach seed in the buckets, since they have not sprouted at all. I filed another bucket and seeded with kale and chard.

Planted cilantro and parsley

transplanted some of the basil starts into the big pot

Moved other starts to bigger pots. Some have raised bed soil, (“rb”)

Planted some more healthy pepper seeds in the delicata pots that never sprouted.

Yeah, so things are crazy.

It’s been a rough few weeks. P’s been working from home, and everything has shut down due to The virus. It feels equal parts apocalyptic and confusing. It is a VERY good thing that it’s happening in spring, and there has been enough sunshine to bask in,

Cooper passed away last week after fading quickly from the cancer’s return. It’s just us at home with Stevie. We only go out for necessities- most places are closed for the foreseeable future.

Anyways, I weeded and moved some stuff around today- lambs ear, catnip, grasses, lavender, etc. I put the “extra” seed starts in the greenhouse so I have room to transplants the other big ones this week. It’s still colder than I’d like – next week has highs in upper 40’s.

Asparagus is poking through, and some peas are sprouting. Spinach and corn salad are doing nothing.

Seed progress

Things are happening!

March 9

More progress below , with date number listed

Today (March 13- 11 days after planting) I repotted the big guys- namely squash, okra, and the first nova tomato (which was starting first true leaf.) Many roots had made their way out of the paper pot, and attached to the next. I have had no viability of the “organic delicata” seeds. In general the tomato and pepper seeds have taken days longer to sprout- some of the peppers still aren’t up. Two trays of seedlings now!

Outside Stuff!

we finally got out and worked in the garden. I took a couple of retired brew buckets and planted spinach and corn salad in the raised bed mix.

P helped me turn over and amend the soil in South A to finish filling it with onions. We’ll see if the seeds do anything. The next section is redwing starts from the Grange, then Ringmaster from Territorial. I planted them pretty close (especially on the edges) to harvest some early as green onion and/or small ones.

I also got some peas in… the robins literally started cackling at each other when I started planting. Hopefully the baskets will keep those bastards away.

P put some harvest supreme in the asparagus bed. Here’s some progress…

We also took Cooper outside briefly… he’s not doing great so we want to give him all the fun.

Clean up

Spent the afternoon cleaning up leaves and dead plants. P is working on the fence because we have a big planting project coming up in the upper yard.

He pulled the apple tree a little while back, because we realized we would never win the fight against pests.

The arugula and roots are going strong, the kale is hanging in there, and the asparagus still has green (I’m supposed to cut it back when it turns brown.)