Clean up

Spent the afternoon cleaning up leaves and dead plants. P is working on the fence because we have a big planting project coming up in the upper yard.

He pulled the apple tree a little while back, because we realized we would never win the fight against pests.

The arugula and roots are going strong, the kale is hanging in there, and the asparagus still has green (I’m supposed to cut it back when it turns brown.)

Planted Garlic

Planted Garlic in South B and West E. the seed was really plump, so I had less to plant than expected, so P and I picked up a couple more softneck varieties from the Grange. I’ll update the map to show those in West E.

South B

Doom and Gloom

It’s definitely the end of the season. The raing has hardly let up. The green bean plants are falling apart, the tomatoes are terrible. The runner beans are holding in there- but not producing much.

My storage for photos on this site is full, so I gotta figure that out..