Well, the weeds are happy.

We’ve only had a few days of sun. Enough that the grass has grown taller than the raised beds, but not enough for p to mow it.

The peas are still getting chewed and pulled up by something. I replanted them today- maybe they will be so excited by the weather that they will overcome all obstacles.

I also planted more chard and kale (this time in upper c) Willy nilly I tossed the seeds in the soil. I really want some greens.

I cleared a portion of the back rocks and spread allysum seeds. I just can’t seem to have luck with this plant that is supposed to reseed itself and be happy here!

The tomato, pepper, and okra starts seem to be tolerating the greenhouse, only doing a little worse than the ones inside. The one tomato plant I already have in a container is still alive.

Parsley basket might be getting started, and the strawberry basket is happy. Once it gets a little warmer I’ll hang them on the porch.

Fingers crossed on all of it.

treat yourself to perennials

That’s what I say. After the dentist today I decided to stop and look at the nursery, and grabbed some creeping phlox and gold allysum for the upper edge, and some Pekingese hens and chicks for the lower rocks.

Storm is rolling in, and should give everything a good soak.

Phlox and allysum

What things look like now.