Wander, fertilize, and plant

Got some squash, Romano beans, remaining peas, thinned carrots, asparagus, rhubarb, berries, and a few more sungolds. I planted more beets and carrots in the bed with the old favas. I also planted some more peas on the back side of the pea bed, and the remaining sweet Loraines as a ground cover in the onion bed (I ordered another variety of fava for next year.) I also replanted herbs in pots, fertilized. thanks and put mesclun mix in the empty spinach and corn salad pots. i cut back the lavender and artichokes that were blocking the rock steps. I’m tired.

I’ll prolly start having other tomatoes (plum and Roma) in the next week. Yay!

Today’s haul

It’s gloomy today, but we had a few warm days, so things are reacting.

Pea haul is light today.

Strawberries are crazy! (Almost 2 pints today.)

Corn salad and spinach are bolting. Boo

Little squash still, but delicata are running.

Tomatillo’s have pretty little lantern packets, first green fruit on tomatoes.

Green blueberries.

About a quarter of the onions were bolting, so i pulled them to dry. (In picture)

Also grabbed some rhubarb and garlic scapes (along with the onion scapes).

And the first little artichokes (I love this variety, the heads are small, but there’s more meat on them and they don’t get buggy.)