
I haven’t done a good job writing about harvests, so I thought I’d do an update.

We have a TON of kale in west c. I’ve been thinning it and eating the babies, now we are up to mostly full grown plants. This is my best kale result ever. Is it the bed? Overseeding?

Radishes grew well, and we are bunches until my lips started to swell and crack. No radishes for Alison next year ): I’m scared to try the turnips.

We’ve eaten a few young red onions, and 4 garlic scapes!

We’ve had a bunch of arugula. It’s bolting now, but still tastes ok.

There’s lettuce in my plastic bowl for lettucing

Berries are on their way. Blueberries are forming, as are raspberries, and strawberries. There are blackberries and salal in flower stages, and even a few grapes.


We did a lot of work today. Weeding, transplanting, planting, p digging out the septic…

I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers with potting soil. They did perk up a little after I added better soil and fertilizer, hopefully this gets them back on track.

Planted squashes everywhere (mainly in the slope and lower bed). Moved barbeque rosemary and globe artichokes. Fertilized many things, blueberries, onion beds, lower garlic bed, Rhodies and hydrangea.

Here’s some progress

And some Randy lizards


What to say… There is much food. The Arugula is delicious, I’m also growing it inside, in the Aerogarden.

Some of the onions are still going. The hops are GIGANTIC. I found one okra, and that is enough to make growing them from seed worth it. The tomatoes are doing well, ripening. P loves spicing the sauce ones up and cooking them down into sauces. I think we have enough that we might eventually tire of that and have to can some. Green beans are doing well. I think the squash could use more irrigation (note for next year) as could the blueberries. (I filled a pocket up of blueberries yesterday. Whimsical!)

Uhm, looks like I might have a couple of Brussels sprouts and some leeks this winter; raspberries are happy.

Strawberries are having a second (small) berry time. Yay!

All of this is perfect timing to make me little less aware of my health. My gallbladder went from warning me occasionally, to hurting whenever I have any kind of fat. I do have a relatively low fat diet as a vegetarian who mainly eats home cooked meals, but I am missing my cheese and olive oil something fierce. There is hopefully a cure on the horizon, but it will mean a short break from tending the plants.

In the meantime we are getting creative with proteins, and I have developed a snack I call “hand salad”, which is basically a handful of lettuces (kale, arugula, mesclun) and tomatoes which I shove in my mouth.

It’s like potato chips, except not at all.

Take that nutritionist!

Raining! Finally! I

It’s been hot (90+) almost every day, and dryyyyy. We are having cooler rain and thunder today, which worked out well with my berry picking plan (but means I couldn’t get any photos while it was happening.).

Here’s the haul- full colander of blackberries (revenge!), and half one of blueberries (screw you, robins!). I pulled a bunch of tomatoes to save them from rain related explosion. There are still some solal berries out there, but they will have to wait.

I also sprinkled some more arugula seeds. We have a few plants that have come up, and they are delicious in our current favorite way to eat the garden veggies – orzo salad. Yum.

There looks to finally be some action in south c- so maybe I’ll have Brussels sprouts and leeks this winter.