these photos are from a few days. We’ve eaten a bunch of kale, a few squash and artichoke, some peas. We will need to split daisies and probably the cat mint this year. It’s out of control. I put flash tape out to discourage the robins from stealing all the berries. ? hopefully it helps. Tomatoes are green, beans are flowering, peppers are starting… Okra is failing. It’s been kinda rainy and cool, which I’m actually kind of thankful for. Onions and garlic will probably need harvesting in the next couple of weeks.ys.
Tag: garlic
Kneeed to get back out there
I’ve been a little unsteady with a flare up, but I taped up today to do a little light check on the garden.
Scapes! Squash
Peppers are flowering
I found a pea (ate it)
Runners are running
tomatoes in west e (the ones planted later)
I haven’t done a good job writing about harvests, so I thought I’d do an update.
We have a TON of kale in west c. I’ve been thinning it and eating the babies, now we are up to mostly full grown plants. This is my best kale result ever. Is it the bed? Overseeding?
Radishes grew well, and we are bunches until my lips started to swell and crack. No radishes for Alison next year ): I’m scared to try the turnips.
We’ve eaten a few young red onions, and 4 garlic scapes!
We’ve had a bunch of arugula. It’s bolting now, but still tastes ok.
There’s lettuce in my plastic bowl for lettucing
Berries are on their way. Blueberries are forming, as are raspberries, and strawberries. There are blackberries and salal in flower stages, and even a few grapes.
I got some microclover from Portland, and mixed it into a couple of “bare” patches.
Scapes and progress.
We did a lot of work today. Weeding, transplanting, planting, p digging out the septic…
I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers with potting soil. They did perk up a little after I added better soil and fertilizer, hopefully this gets them back on track.
Planted squashes everywhere (mainly in the slope and lower bed). Moved barbeque rosemary and globe artichokes. Fertilized many things, blueberries, onion beds, lower garlic bed, Rhodies and hydrangea.
Here’s some progress
And some Randy lizards
Early April Progress
Cleaning up
Garlic is all sprouting. Otherwise it’s time to clean up the leaves, cut things down, and basically hibernate.
Tear it out and plant Garlic
I actually think that tearing out the old plants is almost as satisfying as planting int the spring. I still have a couple of things going- kale, chard, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, leeks- but I’m ready to retire my gloves for the winter and focus on other projects.
That’s not too say it was easy. My hands hurt after a Saturday of cleaning and pulling.
But I did have some beautiful carrots, and a HUGE beet as my reward.
Cleared west c and d, planted cover crop.
Cleared South D and Upper B- planted garlic
Pulled okra plants, but left the peas carrots and beets in west e.
Pulled the peas support from lower bed.
Geeze. Surely I did more than that.
Tonight we salsa
That’s about 12 cups of peeled, diced, tomato.
Some garlic
A small portion of my garlic.
I have two more hardneck sets like this, some loose pieces, and a pretty braided soft-neck for last.