Wander, fertilize, and plant

Got some squash, Romano beans, remaining peas, thinned carrots, asparagus, rhubarb, berries, and a few more sungolds. I planted more beets and carrots in the bed with the old favas. I also planted some more peas on the back side of the pea bed, and the remaining sweet Loraines as a ground cover in the onion bed (I ordered another variety of fava for next year.) I also replanted herbs in pots, fertilized. thanks and put mesclun mix in the empty spinach and corn salad pots. i cut back the lavender and artichokes that were blocking the rock steps. I’m tired.

I’ll prolly start having other tomatoes (plum and Roma) in the next week. Yay!

Finally cooler

It’s been too hot lately- we had a week over 90- and I’ve been hiding out from the sun. Some plants are very happy though.

I cut the favas and pulled the beans. I think I want to try a different variety and next year, though.

I also pulled the rest of the garlic to cure.

It was the first good sized harvest- with Romano beans, patty pan, zucchini, yellow squash, plump blueberries, thornless blackberries, and thinned out carrots. And some nice sized artichokes.

The flowers are pretty too

Also- I planted the last straggler pepper into a bag, and moved one of the lavender stems I’m trying to propagate into a little pot.

A little more

Yeah yeah. I know. Stop it with the planting, start weeding.

It all started with the lavenders that will eventually live at the studio and make everything smell lovely… I thought I needed 3, but they all get huge, so plant 3 went on the slope.

I also transplanted two more yellow squash and one zucchini by the huckleberry, and a handful of red Russian kale and romaine (in with the peppers in upper b and c).

Now I’m hot and tired.