Beans, kale

It’s been coolish, but Soil temps are over 60, and we have some warm weather coming up. Planted green beans, wax beans, and some marigolds in west e. I put seeds I saved from last year on the corner nearest the neighbors house to see if they grow as well as the purchased ones.

Planted runner beans and Romano beans and nasturtium in south d- where the broad bean favas failed to over winter. I guess I’ll try them again next year? The “cover crop” favas look great, so maybe I’ll have some small beans again. All new beans went under robin baskets.

Added a few more peas to the pea bed, and put kale seeds around the outside.

Transplanted the last couple of late planted peppers, and up potted two tomato sprouts and moved them to the greenhouse, where everything is looking good on a seed mat on the ground.

Also harvested some mojito!

Beans and flowers

Planted beans and nasturtium and marigold. I’ll pop probably put the remaining tomatoes and peppers out on Monday or Tuesday. Also transplanted little zucchini starts in the squash bed, and direct seeded a few delicata next to the starts that don’t look great. (Note for next year- don’t keep them in the greenhouse so long!) I put marigold in the fava bed to hopefully fight the black flies, and nasturtium in the bean beds. Also planted a few more peas (peas are FINALLY blossoming).

It’s been a dreary and cold spring. They say 10degrees cooler than normal. I think the kale and beets and carrots like it, though.