If a tree falls on your garden…

There were just a couple of peas coming up under there- I’m pretty sure that a v/mole ate my seeds. I sprouted some in the greenhouse and transplanted them in the rebuilt/repaired bed.

Along with the ones I planted in the box, hopefully I’ll get some peas out of it.

I repotted most of the seedlings and moved them to the greenhouse (heater set to 52).

I think the pods>small pots was the way to go. Other than plant light misfire, the tomatoes got big and strong.

I potted one orange pepper plant and brought it inside.

So yeah

Honestly, this year was so disappointing that I didn’t want to record it. Deer. Raccoons. ROBINS. Grosbeaks. Stupid weather patterns. (Warm weather started late- then immediately got over 90 then cold again.)

Green beans recovered after I fenced them in against deer, but other than that and some excellent carrots everything was a bummer.

Here’s hoping 2024 is better.

Yesterday we pulled the tomatoes (all green) and planted garlic. Duganski & Italian late & music (in that order starting from shed).

Green tomatoes went in a box, and I dug up some of the peppers and bagged them for the greenhouse.

Beans, kale

It’s been coolish, but Soil temps are over 60, and we have some warm weather coming up. Planted green beans, wax beans, and some marigolds in west e. I put seeds I saved from last year on the corner nearest the neighbors house to see if they grow as well as the purchased ones.

Planted runner beans and Romano beans and nasturtium in south d- where the broad bean favas failed to over winter. I guess I’ll try them again next year? The “cover crop” favas look great, so maybe I’ll have some small beans again. All new beans went under robin baskets.

Added a few more peas to the pea bed, and put kale seeds around the outside.

Transplanted the last couple of late planted peppers, and up potted two tomato sprouts and moved them to the greenhouse, where everything is looking good on a seed mat on the ground.

Also harvested some mojito!

Fertilizing, weeding, progress, uppotting

It’s been warm for a few days, but we’re in for a stretch in the 40-50s. I weeded and fertilized the strawberry patch, fertilized the potted herbs, harvested more rhubarb for soda, mint for drying. The older plum tree is finally blooming, so hopefully we’ll get some pollinators. the peas are finally large enough to uncover, and the beets and carrots are sprouting. Garlic and onions are doing well. Potatoes (from grocery store) are sprouting and I’ve covered them a couple of times.

I up- potted a few of the larger starts and put them on the floor of the greenhouse, and moved the (late) sprouted peppers into 3” pots. I’m still unhappy with my starts, but I think some will pull through. (Btw- I felt the same way last year and it wasn’t as cold!) I definitely think starting with the little pods and transplanting is the best way to go.

The squash in the walls look good, the ones outside not so much- which I expected. I also fertilized the asparagus and cut a few pieces.