Plus a zucchini and some peppers
Tag: peppers
Weeding and feeding
It rained last night, and its nice and cool/gloomy today so we got some work done. Weeded a lot, and I put some vegetable food on the tomatoes and peppers.
Got more tomatoes, pulled most of the onions, more beans of course. ? one tiny okra
Gone for a couple of days…
And things happened!
Garlic is starting to look sad, so I pulled about half.
Food! First cherry tomatoes, yellow beans, runner beans. Raspberries!
Weeding and some harvest
these photos are from a few days. We’ve eaten a bunch of kale, a few squash and artichoke, some peas. We will need to split daisies and probably the cat mint this year. It’s out of control. I put flash tape out to discourage the robins from stealing all the berries. ? hopefully it helps. Tomatoes are green, beans are flowering, peppers are starting… Okra is failing. It’s been kinda rainy and cool, which I’m actually kind of thankful for. Onions and garlic will probably need harvesting in the next couple of weeks.ys.
Kneeed to get back out there
I’ve been a little unsteady with a flare up, but I taped up today to do a little light check on the garden.
Scapes! Squash
Peppers are flowering
I found a pea (ate it)
Runners are running
tomatoes in west e (the ones planted later)
I have to admire it from up here (due to a hyper-extended knee) but the garden is looking gorgeous today!
ROLE CALL: tomatoes (Roma and cherry 5), peppers (sweet and hot- 10), artichokes (2 varieties), blueberries (7), huckleberry, salal (many), arugula, green beans, runner beans, beets, carrots, okra (6), asparagus, strawberries (sooo many), kale (out my ears), squash (4 varieties), peas, GARLIC (2 beds), onions (ditto), wax beans, apple (1), plum (1), herbs and flowers. (:
P had to move some soil, so we planted some new White Carolina strawberries, and the last three peppers (paprika and hot).
The Corsican mint looks really happy by the house.
I broke down the aerogarden and planted the basil in a larger deeper pot for inside. The ones I pulled had fully filled the pot with root, and were trying to dig deeper.
Weeded. Watered the clover seeds.
Planted some tarragon
Another tomato and pepper
We worked outside a bit today.
P planted the mystery tomato (nova?) next to the spa pad as an experiment. (will it thrive because of the held heat?)
I bought a jalapeno pepper that I hope we can use in salsa.
Yellow squash spotted!
okra flower!
I also trimmed back the blackberry and cat mint, fed the tomatoes, watered the grass and clover seeds and weeded.
Tomato and pepper time
I’ve been waiting to plant the tomatoes and peppers because the nights have still been cool- but today was the day. They were looking a little sad in the greenhouse because of humidity and heat.
South b- healthy, healthy, mystery (healthy or hot?), waltz (paprika), hot <those last two might be switched |:
South c- healthy
West e – two nova tomatoes
Scapes are coming!
Bees are happy
I weeded my butt off, and put together the new storage bench (and sealed it)
work it
planted a sungold (left) and nova (right) in south a. I feel like it’s a little early, so I’ll hold off a week before I plant the other two. The cages look so optimistically huge.
Replanted some peas.
Weeded and planted lupines, allysum, marigolds, and nasturtium willy nilly in lower bed.
Churned and planted grass seed and those flowers in the new dirt below the raspberries. Pulled out stones to help with erosion elsewhere.
Repotted a couple more tomatoes and peppers and moved them outside.
It’s spruce tip time so p came out and harvested them
I pulled out kale to thin west c, and almost bolted radishes.
After thwarting
The robins, I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers and moved most of them (and the okra) to the green house.
I planted a little bit of spinach in with the arygula
Seeded the new soil and part of the cur down blackberry
And basically moved furniture around and put things away. It’s not done, but it feels better, and took all damn day.