
We did a lot of work today. Weeding, transplanting, planting, p digging out the septic…

I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers with potting soil. They did perk up a little after I added better soil and fertilizer, hopefully this gets them back on track.

Planted squashes everywhere (mainly in the slope and lower bed). Moved barbeque rosemary and globe artichokes. Fertilized many things, blueberries, onion beds, lower garlic bed, Rhodies and hydrangea.

Here’s some progress

And some Randy lizards

Potting soil

I’m not happy with the way the tomato and pepper starts have done in the seed starter mix. Next year I should use potting soil only, or a mix. I repotted some today, and added potting soil to the rest.


Squash are going crazy, too early I worry.


Planted some peas in west C, and some arygula in upper c. P got most of the other beds ready for 60 degree soil.

Roots and greens are sprouting well.

We have a few asparagus spikes poking through the soil- not as many as I’d hope, but a couple are quite thick.

The hops are already going crazy, p pulled the extra bits off today.

Raspberries are starting to bloom.

It’s been quite dry and warm here the last few weeks- so I watered today and a couple of days ago.

Starts are starting- okra and tomato plants are going first (:


And starting seeds

update 4/15: I’ve transplanted a few, and added potting soil to the remainder. Next year use potting soil from the start- I think things struggled with the seed starter.

Is winter over yet?

It started snowing on Feb 3. We got about 18 inches in the following storms, which finally stopped dumping by Feb. 12. Today is 16 days later. That’s the state of the yard.

It’s practically balmy today at 47degrees, but you can hear chainsaws everywhere because so many trees came down. I’m still waiting on the snow to melt so I can see what survived.

I ordered a bunch of seeds today- unfortunately I can’t find onion sets, so I’ll have to try to find some locally.

I’m tempted to take a blade to the blackberry when the snow melts. It’s all crushed now so I wonder if I can murder it while it’s weak… (;

I’m excited to use the new path and soon to be finished patio out back.

Tear it out and plant Garlic

I actually think that tearing out the old plants is almost as satisfying as planting int the spring. I still have a couple of things going- kale, chard, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, leeks- but I’m ready to retire my gloves for the winter and focus on other projects.

That’s not too say it was easy. My hands hurt after a Saturday of cleaning and pulling.

But I did have some beautiful carrots, and a HUGE beet as my reward.

Cleared west c and d, planted cover crop.

Cleared South D and Upper B- planted garlic

Pulled okra plants, but left the peas carrots and beets in west e.

Pulled the peas support from lower bed.

Geeze. Surely I did more than that.