Fertilizing, weeding, progress, uppotting

It’s been warm for a few days, but we’re in for a stretch in the 40-50s. I weeded and fertilized the strawberry patch, fertilized the potted herbs, harvested more rhubarb for soda, mint for drying. The older plum tree is finally blooming, so hopefully we’ll get some pollinators. the peas are finally large enough to uncover, and the beets and carrots are sprouting. Garlic and onions are doing well. Potatoes (from grocery store) are sprouting and I’ve covered them a couple of times.

I up- potted a few of the larger starts and put them on the floor of the greenhouse, and moved the (late) sprouted peppers into 3” pots. I’m still unhappy with my starts, but I think some will pull through. (Btw- I felt the same way last year and it wasn’t as cold!) I definitely think starting with the little pods and transplanting is the best way to go.

The squash in the walls look good, the ones outside not so much- which I expected. I also fertilized the asparagus and cut a few pieces.

Potatoes and up potting

The little moss pods I tried this year sprouted and grew faster than the seeds in the paper pots, so I up-potted most of them. It might be worth doing all that of them like that next year?

I also took advantage of the brief sunshine to plant some sprouted potatoes in our grow bags. It’s supposed to get cool and rainy tomorrow. (Ps: the potatoes were cut, dipped in wood ash, and healed for a few days.)

Potatoes and more

Earlier this week I upplanted most of the seedlings- today I finished putting everything into the greenhouses.

I got more runner beans, and put them in the soil, along with some new Romano bush beans.

We got a bunch of yukon gold seed potatoes from ourneighbor, so those went into containers today as well.

Things are looking pretty good. We’ve had some rain and cool which the new plants have liked. The favas are up to the top on the gate now, and I think the carrots and beets are finally coming up.