Here’s our false spring!

The weather is gorgeous, for a few days. I did a little wander through the garden- things are still happening slowly. I put a balanced fertilizer on the leafy veggies with the hope that it will inspire them to pick up.

The starts are looking amazing since I repotted them. That probably means it’s time to repot again (;

I traded out a few of the smaller ones from the greenhouse to see if they do better inside.

I also moved the greenhouse so it will get more fun. Sometimes I have to sacrifice aesthetics.

The little container tomato is hanging in there.

Remaining apple is starting to get leaves.

Strawberry and parsley baskets showing some growth.

Onions, Radishes, and Beets

72degrees! We’re about 6 weeks out from the average last frost (April 23)

I got a shipment of onion plants from Territorial today, a mix of Redwing, WallaWalla and Ringmaster. I’m not sure about the price ($29) value vs. sets at The Grange (~$5 each set) but we’ll see how they come up. About 120 starts total.

*instructions say to plant exactly 1″ deep, and no deeper.

Onions went around west c and west d. Tomatoes will go in center.

West E got a smattering of mixed beets and radishes. (1/2 deep) with space left for the bean trellis.

I also refreshed, filled and top dressed the pots. Planted parsley in one of the hanging baskets (the other has strawberries). A bonus onion found a home next to the borage.

UPDATE: Squak Mtn Nursery had bunches of WallaWallas for $4. So I guess if I order I don’t get a good deal, but I get what I want?

The Grange had all the same varieties- $5 each?