Rutabaga madness

I haven’t been able to spend much time in the garden because I have a knee that is misbehaving, but I took the kitties out today to see what we could see

Good haul of ginornous rutabegas. This is only a few

Runners have pretty flowers

Another handful of kale and a few squash

Some onions were bolting, so I pulled them.

Roots and Greens

Planted kale and Swiss chard in West C, after tilling in the cover crop and adding compost. I just sort of sprinkled the seeds around.

Planted root crops together in upper c. It might be a mess, but I plan to thin things down as I go. Carrots, rutabaga, beets, and radishes. Covered the first set with some loose soil (1/2 deep) and just sort of sprinkled the rest in.

put out cilantro seeds

And some abandoned bonbons (herbs and edible flowers.)