Today’s haul

It’s gloomy today, but we had a few warm days, so things are reacting.

Pea haul is light today.

Strawberries are crazy! (Almost 2 pints today.)

Corn salad and spinach are bolting. Boo

Little squash still, but delicata are running.

Tomatillo’s have pretty little lantern packets, first green fruit on tomatoes.

Green blueberries.

About a quarter of the onions were bolting, so i pulled them to dry. (In picture)

Also grabbed some rhubarb and garlic scapes (along with the onion scapes).

And the first little artichokes (I love this variety, the heads are small, but there’s more meat on them and they don’t get buggy.)

Outside Stuff!

we finally got out and worked in the garden. I took a couple of retired brew buckets and planted spinach and corn salad in the raised bed mix.

P helped me turn over and amend the soil in South A to finish filling it with onions. We’ll see if the seeds do anything. The next section is redwing starts from the Grange, then Ringmaster from Territorial. I planted them pretty close (especially on the edges) to harvest some early as green onion and/or small ones.

I also got some peas in… the robins literally started cackling at each other when I started planting. Hopefully the baskets will keep those bastards away.

P put some harvest supreme in the asparagus bed. Here’s some progress…

We also took Cooper outside briefly… he’s not doing great so we want to give him all the fun.

After thwarting

The robins, I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers and moved most of them (and the okra) to the green house.

I planted a little bit of spinach in with the arygula

Seeded the new soil and part of the cur down blackberry

And basically moved furniture around and put things away. It’s not done, but it feels better, and took all damn day.