Repotting and planting squash

Repotted many of the sprouts, and moved some out into the greenhouse. It’s been WARM so p hooked up the irrigation today- including the new beds. New bed west f got squashed. I transplanted my sprouts and put some seeds in.

Some progress

And a new visitor (bald eagle)

This week

Thursday I replanted the tomato and tomatillo sprouts, and started okra and squash.

The greens are getting started. (That was Thursday as well.)

P worked up South D and I finally planted carrots and beets down there.

He’s clearing out space for two new beds now, near the fence. Extra beds! Yay!

Still just two arugula sprouts- but one is THICK.

Looks like someone was playing in my onion beds. Lots pulled up, some replanted upside down, markers tossed about.

I also planted cilantro (outside and inside) and basil (inside), more peas and kale in the pea bed.

Oh Deer

So, I knew we were taking a risk clearing out some of the blackberry without putting up a fence between the garden and the field- and after the field got mowed right up to our property a furry friend starting grazing- specifically on the yellow beans, green beans, and raspberry– although now he’s moved on to the beets and carrot tops. Les sigh.

He has lots of options though, so P put in poles to make the beans grow higher.

Todays haul wasn’t half bad.