Yup, I’m buying more wherever I can get to a store again.
Tag: squash
Dear Future Alison- the correct date to start squash seeds is early April, not early March.
I put a few seedlings out with season lengtheners.
Hopefully they survive.
I also put azomite and dry fertilizer with them.
Startin’ Seeds
Got tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, okra, squash, and basil seeds planted and on a heat pad.
I used mostly organic potting soil- with the last of the seed starter mixed in.
Things are slowing
Things are definitely pointing towards fall. We’ve had a LOT of rain and the tomatoes just didn’t do well. I made a big soup today with what I could salvage
The patty pan by the driveway is still a monster though.
A bit more
It’s been wet. Everything is looking a little sad
Picked more veggies
And p made pizza!
Arugula is growing again
The squash Monster
The patty pan by the driveway gets no water, no care, lots of neglect.
Here’s today’s harvest
Picked a bunch of tomatoes today- and more squash and green beans
Today’s harvest
Looks like the green beans and yellow beans have picked up the pace a bit.
Wine grapes are getting there
We’ve had a Bit more heat, and a bit more rain. I’ve done more harvesting than anything, here’s a round up.