Potatoes and up potting

The little moss pods I tried this year sprouted and grew faster than the seeds in the paper pots, so I up-potted most of them. It might be worth doing all that of them like that next year?

I also took advantage of the brief sunshine to plant some sprouted potatoes in our grow bags. It’s supposed to get cool and rainy tomorrow. (Ps: the potatoes were cut, dipped in wood ash, and healed for a few days.)

Garlic and Cleanup

Fiiiinnnallly got some rain and got garlic in the beds that had tomatoes. South A got (east to west) Italian Late, Duganski, and Music. West H got a mix of (east to west) soft neck and hard neck from this year’s harvest.

While we’re leaving most stuff out for now- I also cleaned up the tomato bags and okra. I transplanted the healthiest looking pepper plants into the greenhouse (with the heater) and one okra. We’ll see how they fair. i also started some beet and arugula micro greens in there.

Little harvest

Still thinning out the carrots and watering the seeds I planted (arugula was the first to come up, some dill sprouts and beets sprouts visible today.) there are several thornless blackberries under there.

Weather was cooler the last couple of days, so the tomatoes are still ripening slowly.

Salad is ripening, holy basil is growing,