Pulled up the first few onions (the driest) and have them curing in baskets
Same with some of the garlic
The varieties in West E are MASSIVE. All of the things I’ve pulled look healthy (:
Got the first few yellow beans, and a couple of sun gold
Still thinning out the carrots and beets
A couple of baby onions and leeks are coming up in the seeded bed.
Raspberries! (There are blueberries at the neighbor’s)
Arugula is reseeded
Tiny baby scarlet runners
Green bean flowers
More pretties
Upcoming yellow beans
Still getting a few peas, and finding some I missed
Did a bunch of cooking. Raspberry coulis, sauted garbanzo peas zucchini and greens, carrot tops (boiling water 3 minutes) garlic garbanzo cilantro lemon juice hummus, roasted carrots patty pan beets onions, fresh bread… yum.