Am. So. Tired.

Started the day by turning over South A and B for beans. Planted green and yellow beans in A, and realized I only had 3 saved runner beans for b (put yellow in there, too, and replanted the tiny onions and leeks out of curiosity. I also threw in some nasturtium and marigolds on the ends.

We put a gate in the squash box for the winters to run on.

P moved the box from upper c down to become a new bed for thornless blackberries (donated plant). He also planted elderberries (Upper is Nova and York below) up by the neighbor’s door and gooseberries down where upper c box used to live.

I planted some gifted flowers – bearded iris, crocosmia, and something in the lily family along the driveway, and rescued a little japanese maple for the back slope.

There is more to do but I’m shaky now. Will see if I get out of bed tomorrow. (;

Oh Deer

So, I knew we were taking a risk clearing out some of the blackberry without putting up a fence between the garden and the field- and after the field got mowed right up to our property a furry friend starting grazing- specifically on the yellow beans, green beans, and raspberry– although now he’s moved on to the beets and carrot tops. Les sigh.

He has lots of options though, so P put in poles to make the beans grow higher.

Todays haul wasn’t half bad.

I think I missed a day

Green Beans out our ears. I finally pulled the last of the start onions and garlic, braids coming soon. Still got some berries- and more tomatoes and tomatillos. And carrots and beets

I’m loving the carrot top “pestos” with onions, garlic, whatever green herb (basil, cilantro, oregano) and an acid (red wine vinegar, citrus). P put it on pizzas tonight.

More things

Strawberry volunteer

Before and after garlic cleanup

One of the rhubarbs

Squash climbing the grapes

The most beautiful onion

Yay Food

Pulled up the first few onions (the driest) and have them curing in baskets

Same with some of the garlic

The varieties in West E are MASSIVE. All of the things I’ve pulled look healthy (:

Got the first few yellow beans, and a couple of sun gold

Still thinning out the carrots and beets

A couple of baby onions and leeks are coming up in the seeded bed.

Raspberries! (There are blueberries at the neighbor’s)

Arugula is reseeded

Tiny baby scarlet runners

Green bean flowers

More pretties

Upcoming yellow beans

Still getting a few peas, and finding some I missed

Did a bunch of cooking. Raspberry coulis, sauted garbanzo peas zucchini and greens, carrot tops (boiling water 3 minutes) garlic garbanzo cilantro lemon juice hummus, roasted carrots patty pan beets onions, fresh bread… yum.

Garlic, rhubarb, and heat.

It’s been a nice cool summer somehow, and we’ve all been happy about it… But today that changes!

I pulled all the garlic to cure. There’s a bunch. The metechi in the south bed seemed a little stunted. I think in general the Deerfield purple gave larger heads.

We also stripped down all the rhubarb, and picked raspberries at a friend’s- for brewing experiments.

Things look good. Good eating. Yellow beans are yellowing, green beans are getting ready to bear, and scarlet runners have given a few. I’ve been pulling squashes while they are small. I’ve got a couple of beds languishing now- I wonder if there is anything I can plant…

I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to turnips as well as radishes. *sigh*

To spite the Robins

The screen worked to hold the robins off the peas, to an extent. I have a handful of peas and beans starting. Yesterday I found these handy baskets on clearance at Fred Meyer, so I’m trying them out.

There were some bugs hiding under the protection of the screen… So that’s not great.

I also replanted the beans and peas, and added fresh seeds next to my squash starts. (we put drippers out on Sunday.)

The soil looks summer dry. /: